
Wednesday 16 September 2015

The potholders are finished. How I made them.

I have finished the potholders. Here is how I did mine.
I made a pattern that's featured in my previous post. I used diagonal afghan pattern.  Here is a link how you do it.


After I had finished the four part I fasten the thread. I only tied two threads together two times and then cut it off.

The I cut out interfacing's to the backside to iron on, on the threads so they don't get up in the washer.

I also cut out cotton wool about 1 cm thick and put that on one side of the potholders. 

Now I have put the other part on top. The one without cotton wool. I choose to crochet a single crochet row around them so I could "sew" them together. Last but not least I crochet a hanging loop. :)

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